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Bill Haessig

H&H now offering organic approach to combat EAB

The Plant Health Care program at H&H Arborists is one of the longest running programs in Dane County. We have been treating trees and shrubs for over 17 years with high levels of success. In 2014 when Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was first identified in the area, we quickly responded to requests and got word out to customers that we were prepared to protect their ash trees.

Recently a new organic product has been developed to deal with EAB. TreeAzin has been scientifically proven to work as a systemic insecticide in trees to control invasive wood-boring beetles. TreeAzin treatment almost always costs less than the cost of tree removal, disposal and replanting.

If you’d like H&H Arborists to protect your ash tree, fill out this form and we will contact you when the work has been scheduled.


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